We rely upon a multidisciplinary team of professionals who are ready to accompany the life-cycle of personnel within the organization, especially with those topics related to communication skills. We provide you with the advisory to define the necessary language skills for the different key positions in the company while boosting people’s development.
We help you dealing with press release, making presentations and speeches in both English and Spanish.
We provide you with knowledgeable support to both choose and implement the best training programs, which help you to either foster the language skills in your personnel or else offer outplacement programs to support the mobility packages in the Company, such as specific English training, dealing with interviews and CVs writing in English or Spanish.
Mediante nuestros cursos de inglés, convertimos el aprendizaje en un proceso activo, motivando el desarrollo de las 4 habilidades, ya sea en cursos online o presencial para que uses el idioma en tu vida social y profesional.
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