Learn a New language

Through our programs, we turn the learning into an active process where you develop the 4-linguistic skills. The pace and dynamic of the class creates an excellent student-centered learning environment, well fitted into the communicative Learning Approach

Boosting the Personal Training

ENGINTEL set up back in 1990 to contribute to languages acquisition addressed to professionals. It provides all necessary tools to successfully acquire a second language, English in particular. Our team is made up of well-qualified yet competent teachers who are devoted and passionate about teaching.

Expertise in Training

Our trait is to offer tailored-made designs aim at meeting a diversified set of needs. Besides, we incorporate the business jargon and key linguistic expressions from the students’ field to use through hands-on topics that turn the learning process into an effective learning experience. We follow the communicative approach while developing the 4-language skills and drill through role-playing, meetings, presentations, among other meaningful activities.



We want to provide a comprehensive set of high-quality language services, particularly in English to fully satisfy the requirements from our clients and therefore contribute to a global bilingual citizen.


We aim at consolidating as a market referent, especially within the scope of tailored-made programs, through an excellent price-quality range of products, while adding value to our students’ profile and thus contributing to our clients’ business success.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language.

Our Languages Solutions

Languagues Services

We offer tailored-made programs for those who aim at learning or perfecting English or any other language.

Translations & Interpreting

We offer tailored-made programs for those who aim at learning or perfecting English or any other language.

Language Assessment Profile

Language support to interviewing, preparing and writing Resumes, language assessment to recruiting processes.

International Tests

Any of these international Tests can be prepared to excel your skills and strategies while improving your knowledge base.

Aprender inglés

Value Proposal

We actively listen to what our students and clients say to timely incorporate their feedback received through follow-up and monitoring of training or the rendering of any other service to continuously improve our relations, solutions and services with all our stakeholders.

Learning Modalities

Learn English Face to Face - Aprende Idioma Inglés Cara a Cara

Individual or 2-4 group courses featured with TICs to reinforce the learning and studying of the language. Excellent textbooks and study resources to practice & rehearse the language.

Curso de Inglés Virtual

Individual to small 2-3 groups with streaming classes through classroom; Zoom/Teams-Webex, and extensive use of TICs to reinforce the learning experience. Excellent textbooks and study resources to practice the language in context.


You may choose ‘Face-to-Face & Virtual’ or ‘Virtual & E-learning’ either for individual to small group classes. They are fully supported by TICS to better reinforce the learning process and study. Complete monitoring of your work at the platform. Excellent textbooks and study resources.


Study at your own pace! Individual course features with a full self-study kit; textbook & practice file, videos, audios, written and recorded drillings. Learn with the expert in training.


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